A Piece of Heaven

Jan, 2008

Maldives – Male

One of the things which I least like to do is to get up so early in the morning! It’s so much nicer to remain tucked in the bed until I feel, hmm… this is enough, time to wake up. But, this time, I was in Male. The islands here are really a piece of heaven! The sky, the sea, the sand… reminded me of Redang Island, Manukan Island, Sapi Island where my girlfriends and I had been during our college time. I was a beach girl! Those were happy times. It was really a time of laziness and laughter sitting in the softness of the sun. I love the feeling.

The sunny sun at Male brought to my mind the joys of having fun at the beautiful beach. The day we touched down was quite late. I didn’t join others for a drink yet I had a good night's rest. My room was just a stones's throw away from the sea. I woke up early in the morning and walked around the sandy beach with a map on my hand. It’s the first station I went after my leave. So, I was not very attracted with the sea sports. The water was cool and refreshing. I didn’t do much. I was only busy taking some photos around, feeding the fish and gossiping under the sun…I was contented to spend hours at length at the beach. Indeed, it's a beautiful sight to behold.

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